Thursday, April 8, 2010

I still get nervous

I gave two presentations in school yesterday and I was wicked nervous before and while I was speaking. I had so much confidence in myself before the day of the presentations because I'm not a shy person. Especially when it comes it comes to talking to strangers or performing in front of someone. I think that's when you see the real me, when I'm on stage because I'm showing you who I really am, it's natural to me.

But when it comes to reading off paper about something I'm not passionate about, I just can't bring myself to sell it and not be nervous. It's almost like I don't believe in what I'm saying and I'm not confident about it so I absolutely cannot fake it. I just don't have it in me to be fake I think, even if it benefits me, that's why I could never be in sales. I have no problem talking to people, but if you want me to sell something that I'm not sure if they even need or not, I cannot and will not do it.

I'm a marketing student and I've pretty much been studying sales for 4 years, but I don't know if I'm capable. I've been looking at jobs online a lot lately, and I found one that payed well, but you had to sell kitchen ware. I'm sorry, but I'd rather live on the streets than sell kitchen ware. I'd be much better off at a desk job I think. I don't know how people live their entire lives banking on selling something... I commend those people, because personally I'd be too afraid of rejection ! haha

wow, I really didn't know the direction of this blog post at all.... oh well ! (I'm high on energy drinks from studying so much)

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