When you're a male and you're tall it's considered attractive, but I would find myself much more attractive if I was 5'7 or below. My reasons why being tall sucks...
1. As a hip hop dancer, you look and feel ackward. It's hard to sell your shit when you tower over everyone else in the group, when you're so tall smaller clothes make you look like a rake and baggy clothes make you look foolish. It is very hard to get a job as a hip hop dancer if you're tall, because choreographers dislike one person standing out, and do not want anyone's height towering over the main act (aka the singer). Yes, they look tall in music videos, but please note, that Shakira is 5'2 and Britney is 5'4, now go and look at all the males standing next to them.
2. Doing ANYTHING that requires a lot of upper body strength is harder for tall people. Break dancing, tumbling, anything that requires you to lift yourself up with just your arms is harder because you have much more weight to carry and much more body to move. And when you fall doing anything it hurts a hell of a lot more. Basically, you have to compensate for much more upper body strength than someone who is a lot shorter. And what really sucks is when all your height is in your legs. (My dad is taller than me when we sit down, he is 5'7)
3. You hit your head on shit. Yeah, you would think people who are 6'1 don't hit their heads on ceilings, pipes, the tops of doors because 6'1 is a common height among males. You are wrong. Especially in foreign countries where the population tends to be a lot shorter. Whilst in El Salvador I had a mild concussion walking into a public bathroom.
I mean... this is not to say that there are no perks to being tall, and I'm probably just oblivious to them because I don't know what it's like to not be tall. Because of the activities I do, I would much rather be average height to shorter... Anyone else have similar feelings ??
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